July 2019
Interviewing experts in your area: Should you do it live or via email?
Image by skeeze from Pixabay We are not interviewing film stars, as illustrated above, though the people we choose all play important roles in the field of research and of data science. They are our celebrities, the movers and shakers of our world. We started a new series of articles on the CESSDA website at the end [...]
How can you create an engaged virtual team?
Image by Perry Grone from Unsplash One of my main tasks at CESSDA is to coordinate our internal communications group (CESSDA Comms Group) which is made up of staff in our service providers (data archives and services in our seventeen member countries and one observer) and in aspiring service providers (in non-member countries that aspire to membership). [...]
February 2019
Why I do what I do
We all have our day jobs. Our private lives. Our friends and family. Someone to come home to. But what of those who don't? What if you don't have a job either because you try and try and don’t get anywhere or you are incapacitated for whichever reason and the job market is closed to you? What if your [...]