Er du på utkikk etter å forbedre ditt kommunikasjonsarbeid? Vil du ha mer innvirkning?
Jeg er en flerspråklig tekstforfatter, redaktør og PR-spesialist og fotograf. Jeg er også glad i dyr og naturen og veldig engasjert i rehabiliteringsarbeid.

“I have worked with Eleanor for several years on a number of different websites and publications. She is an excellent copywriter and a sociable and professional communicator, and is very pleasant to work with. Her language proficiency has also been of great value in international campaigns as well as in social media. I would highly recommend her for both management and execution of media and communication projects.”

“Eleanor was a wonderful colleague and proofreader. She is very good in understanding and analyzing customer needs. Eleanor did a great job reviewing and proofreading my paper and did it within a few hours. She always tries to clearly understand what the writing means and its intent, before coming up with her suggestions, comments, and improvements. I highly recommend Eleanor for all editing, public relations, and online communication projects.”

“As the first CEO of CESSDA, I was fortunate to recruit Eleanor as the organisation’s Head of Communications. At the time of her recruitment we had no website, no branding, no logos, no coordination of our member organisations’ communications, and no strategy as to how we would relate to our stakeholders. I needn’t have worried. In a remarkably short time Eleanor had all these elements in place – she worked quickly, deliberately, and with skill. Eleanor forms excellent working relationships with experts and she is a very good commissioner of their work. She is able to hold a vision, and get it delivered. Take a look at the multiple ways CESSDA communicates today, and you are admiring her work.”

«Eleanor was hired by Octavius as a freelance PR consultant on a set of evaluation missions related to EU energy policy. She proved to have outstanding interpersonal skills, and provided high-quality services even when working with clients at a long distance. Our cooperation is fluent, creative and pleasant. Many many thanks to her.»

«Eleanor has an invaluable mix of professionalism and personality, challenging the ordinary and bringing creativity and dedication to any team. I am very thankful to have had the chance to work with her and wish her all the best for her career.»

«I have experienced Eleanor Smith as a dedicated and hard-working team player. She is used to working in an international environment and is committed to working under tight deadlines.»

«Jeg kjenner Eleanor som frivillig i Bergen Røde Kors, og der gjør hun en flott innsats i Nettverk etter soning. Hun er positiv og engasjert i frivillighetsarbeidet. Hun er også en pådriver og har utmerket seg som en initiativrik og lojal frivillig. Hun er lett å komme overens med og er en stor ressurs for Røde Kors.»

«Eleanor har den unike evnen av å være ytterst seriøs i alt det frivillige arbeidet hun driver; samtidig som hun er den som legger mest vekt på at vi skal ha det sosialt og kjekt sammen.»

“Eleanor gjør en god jobb som frivillig og har stilt opp regelmessig siden hun startet. Hun har vært svært aktiv i klatregruppen der hun ble har vært gruppeleder siden april 2019. Hun har også bidratt i rekrutteringsarbeid og i andre aktiviteter i Døråpner.”